In this course, you will explore the intricacies of heating Substations. These essential components play a central role in district heating systems. Through theory and practical experience, you'll gain the skills needed to excel in this field. Real-world cases and simulations will deepen your understanding. Join us to master the art of designing and optimizing heating substations for sustainable heating infrastructures.


Online Course in Zoom


4 Hours


Members of Euroheat & Power -10%


11:00 - 15:00 CET

Design and engineering of heating substations Course

This course aims to foster a deep understanding of heating substations and their integration into District Heating systems

11:00 - 11:45 CET
Dabrel Prits
, "Design of heating substations, theoretical part and practical examples"

This lecture explores the vital role of heating substations, covering heat exchanger types, design principles, and their efficiency in heat transfer. We'll also provide insights into ensuring longevity and efficiency through proactive maintenance (regularity), digitalization, and the building's internal system.

11:45 - 12:45 CET
Jan Eric Thorsen, "Heat exchangers as a crucial part of heating substations"

This lecture focuses on the pivotal role of heat exchangers within heating substations. Participants will learn about the types of heat exchangers, their design principles, and how they facilitate efficient heat transfer. Practical insights into selecting and sizing heat exchangers for specific applications will be shared. The lecture will conclude with a brief Q&A session to address any queries.

13:00 - 14:00 CET
Jori Suokorte, "Pumps for heating substations"

This lecture explores the significance of pumps in heating substations. It will cover pump types, their functions, and the factors to consider when selecting and configuring pumps for heating systems. Practical examples and case studies will be discussed to showcase pump applications. A short Q&A session will follow the lecture to address participant inquiries.

14:00 - 15:00 CET
Uku Maitsalu, "Operation and maintenance of heating substations"

In this lecture, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the operation and maintenance aspects of heating substations. Topics will include routine maintenance procedures, troubleshooting common issues, and ensuring system longevity. The lecture will wrap up with a brief Q&A session, allowing participants to seek guidance on operation and maintenance practices.


Our course features highly experienced and knowledgeable lecturers who are experts in their respective fields. Each lecturer brings a wealth of practical experience, academic expertise, and a deep understanding of the subject matter to the classroom. They have a proven track record of delivering engaging and insightful instruction, ensuring that participants receive the highest quality education.

Jan Eric Thorsen

Director and DCS Global Application Expert at Danfoss A/S (DK)

Dabrel Prits

Business Development Manager at Utilitas and PhD student in TalTech

Uku Maitsalu

Business Development Manager at Eco Point, largest heating substation producer in Estonia

Jori Suokorte

Technical Manager in Sales, Kolmeks OY (Finland)

    The certification included in this course is a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality education and ensuring that participants possess a recognized and valuable credential. Our certification is meticulously designed to reflect the depth of knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course. It is widely respected and acknowledged within the industry, serving as a mark of distinction and a validation of the participant's expertise in the field of energy efficiency assessment. The certification not only demonstrates proficiency in key concepts and practices but also enhances professional credibility and career opportunities. With our rigorous assessment processes and stringent standards, participants can trust that the certification they earn carries substantial value and recognition in their pursuit of excellence.



Develop and deliver high-quality training courses on district heating and cooling, solar heating, and heating and cooling substations, tailored to the needs of professionals in the energy industry.


Provide participants with a deep understanding of the technical, operational, and economic aspects of district heating and cooling systems, enabling them to implement efficient and sustainable solutions.


Equip participants with the knowledge and tools to effectively integrate solar heating technologies into district heating systems, maximizing the utilization of renewable energy sources.


Enchance participants' understanding of heating and cooling substations, their design principles, and their role in optimizing energy efficiency and system performance.


By partnering with Euroheat & Power and leveraging on the network of DHC experts in its membership, Enerhack aims to provide a comprehensive and impactful training program that addresses the evolving needs of professionals in the district heating and cooling industry.


Foster knowledge exchange and networking among participants, enabling the sharing of best paractices and experiences in the field of district heating and cooling.
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