In this course, you will explore the principles and practices of engineering and designing district cooling networks. We will discuss the key differences between district heating and cooling networks, examine different pipeline materials (steel and plastic), delve into frequently occurring problems in DC systems, learn about solutions to these, and conduct hydraulic calculations to ensure efficient system operation. Modelling tools will be introduced too.


Online Course in Zoom


4 Hours
(+ lunch break 30min)


Members of Euroheat & Power -10%


11:00 - 15:30 CET

District Cooling Engineering and Design 

11:00 - 12:00 CET
District Cooling Networks Specificity -
Different Pipe Materials, Pressures and Temperatures

This introductory lecture by Aleksandr Ledvanov (HeatConsult, Estonia) highlights the fundamental differences between district heating and cooling networks. Participants will gain insight into the unique challenges and considerations (like pipeline materials, pressures and temperatures) in district cooling system design. 

12:00 - 13:00 CET
Dynamic District Cooling System Analysis

In this lecture by Mikael Jakobsson (CEO of NXITY), participants will learn how to perform hydraulic calculations for district cooling systems. Topics include flow rates, pressure drops, pipe sizing, and pump selection. Real-world examples and case studies will be used to reinforce hydraulic calculation principles.

13:30 - 14:30 CET
Current Problems in District Cooling Systems

In his lecture, Dr Alaa Olama (Egypt) will focus on critical aspects of modern District Cooling systems, addressing pressing concerns such as over-capacity in DC systems and the challenge of low delta T syndrome. With a keen eye on industry benchmarks, Dr. Olama will elucidate key performance indicators (KPIs) essential for effective system management. Moreover, he will underscore the imperative of adherence to international agreements, notably the Montreal Protocol, in ensuring sustainability and environmental stewardship within the realm of DC engineering.

14:30 - 15:30 CET
District Cooling in Practice

In this lecture, Anne-Laure Berthod from Engie, a leading French energy company, will present their District Cooling projects, elucidating the methodologies employed in their modelling and calculation processes. 


Our course features highly experienced and knowledgeable lecturers who are experts in their respective fields. Each lecturer brings a wealth of practical experience, academic expertise, and a deep understanding of the subject matter to the classroom. They have a proven track record of delivering engaging and insightful instruction, ensuring that participants receive the highest quality education.

Anne-Laure Berthod (FR)

Process Engineer at ENGIE. 
Mikael Jakobsson

CEO NXITY and Founder PFC Pro

Dr Alaa Olama (Egypt)

Head of the Permanent Committee writing the Egyptian District Cooling Code,

Author of "District Cooling: Theory and Practice, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, USA, 2017"

Aleksandr Ledvanov (EST)

Co-founder of HeatConsult, EUR ING

Aleksandr Ledvanov 
Aleksandr is a co-founder of HeatConsult – company based in Estonia dealing with 
engineering consultancy and design services in the District Heating and District Cooling field. His main activities are stress calculations for DH pipelines and hydraulic simulations in DH / DC networks. He has made several scientific publications regarding the development of DH / DC systems, holds a Master’s degree in Thermal Engineering and has an EUR ING title. 

Mikael Jakobsson
Mr. Jakobsson has 20 years of experience in District Energy, with expertise in Cooling and Heating planning, project development, and District Energy System optimization. Mr. Jakobsson has specialist knowledge in District Energy design optimization and operation optimization through seamless thermal, hydraulic steady-state and transient-state analysis. Mr. Jakobsson started his career responsible for developing the Stockholm integrated District Energy system, and in the past 15 years Mr. Jakobsson has been based in Beijing and Bangkok developing and optimizing some 100 District Energy projects across Asia Pacific; now led by the Swedish originated consulting company NXITY. Mr. Jakobsson has vast international experience from Europe, Middle East, Central Asia and Asia Pacific.

Dr. Alaa Olama
Dr. Olama received M.Sc. in 1973 and Ph.D. in 1980 from the faculty of Engineering at King’s College, the University of London, in absorption refrigeration. He has been a member of the prestigious Refrigeration, air conditioning, heat pumps Technical Options Committee (RTOC) of the United Nations. He has been instrumental in the establishment of the first two district cooling company in Egypt. He has also been appointed as head of the committee writing the first refrigerants code and district cooling code for Egypt by the minister of Housing. He has also written a reference book on district cooling titled, District Cooling: Theory and Practice.

Anne-Laure Berthod

Anne-Laure obtained her diploma as Process Engineer from ENSTA Paris Engineering School

She has worked for 8 years at Tractebel ENGIE, the engineering firm of ENGIE Group, being the process engineer for many Projects in District Cooling & Heating projects for ENGIE. 

Projects she has participated in include

2015 : FASEP Tunis - Feasibility studies for a Cooling network in Tunis (Tunisia) – Design of the plant & network

2016 : Opera Cooling plant (Paris DCS, Fraicheur de Paris) – Design of the new plant & Commissioning

2016 : BNF plant commissioning (Paris DCS, Fraicheur de Paris)

2018 : Realization of technical engineering summary for all cooling plants of Paris DCS (Fraicheur de Paris)

2019 : Geomarne heating plan & network (DHS, ENGIE Solution) – Design of the plant & network

2020 : Etoile Cooling plant (Paris DCS, Fraicheur de Paris) – Design of the new plant & Commissioning

Since 2020 November, she has been working at Engie Digital, being the product Owner of the engineering tool NEMO used for the design & performance improvement of District Heating & Cooling networks & plants.


    The certification included in this course is a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality education and ensuring that participants possess a recognized and valuable credential. Our certification is meticulously designed to reflect the depth of knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course. It is widely respected and acknowledged within the industry, serving as a mark of distinction and a validation of the participant's expertise in the field of energy efficiency assessment. The certification not only demonstrates proficiency in key concepts and practices but also enhances professional credibility and career opportunities. With our rigorous assessment processes and stringent standards, participants can trust that the certification they earn carries substantial value and recognition in their pursuit of excellence.



Develop and deliver high-quality training courses on district heating and cooling, solar heating, and heating and cooling substations, tailored to the needs of professionals in the energy industry.


Provide participants with a deep understanding of the technical, operational, and economic aspects of district heating and cooling systems, enabling them to implement efficient and sustainable solutions.


Equip participants with the knowledge and tools to effectively integrate solar heating technologies into district heating systems, maximizing the utilization of renewable energy sources.


Enchance participants' understanding of heating and cooling substations, their design principles, and their role in optimizing energy efficiency and system performance.


By partnering with Euroheat & Power and leveraging on the network of DHC experts in its membership, Enerhack aims to provide a comprehensive and impactful training program that addresses the evolving needs of professionals in the district heating and cooling industry.


Foster knowledge exchange and networking among participants, enabling the sharing of best paractices and experiences in the field of district heating and cooling.
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